I’VE SEEN at close hand how a terminally ill patient can convince themself they were misdiagnosed.

This delusional fantasy seems to be happening to our species as we fail to act on the memo about accelerating damage and loss of prospects.

IFM Investors are warned they can’t stock-pick their way out of systemic risks like climate change.Vicars are among those being arrested for blocking the Kingsbury oil terminal saying the government has us on the road to hell.

They can’t stand by and watch their grandchildren’s future being destroyed.

I see no public information programme from local nor national governance advising damage limitation and behavioural change.

There is nothing on official websites, in libraries nor in any literature. No school information about carbon reduction nor resource management as systems fail. Recent Echo letters reflect woeful environmental ignorance about the means to retain a habitable planet.

We read that the manager at Portland Bill Observatory is ‘baffled’ by lack of urgency from authorities over dead birds on the beaches.

Sadly this lack of urgency is no surprise to campaigners trying in vain for decades to wake everyone up over the dire prospects of a failing biosphere.

Ms Truss is 280 million years too late for fracking fields as much of that methanous gas has already leaked away.

And most people aren’t keen on cracked homes, earthquakes and more overheating.

Perhaps Mr Gigafactory Musk is hoping to find a few Martians who can convince our leaders to pay attention to the cautionary tale of the Venusians.


Parkwood Road, Southbourne