A new independent REGARDING Jason Lewis’s article ‘A lack of getting the basics right’ (Bournemouth Echo, Oct 1).

I am delighted that Cllr Jackie Edwards has left the Conservatives to become only the second independent BCP councillor that has no allegiance to any political party or group.

As my ward colleague for over seven years, I know that Jackie is a truly capable, dedicated, and responsive councillor who will always do the best for the residents that she represents.

As an independent councillor, Jackie’s commendable commitment to her residents will not change. However, she will now be free to better represent resident’s interests without having to comply with a culture shaped by political doctrine, patronage, self-interests and the party whip.

Jackie recognises that party politics does not sit well within local government and has taken this courageous action to demonstrate this. For the many BCP councillors who hold Jackie in high regard and may inwardly share her concerns, I urge you to join us.


Redhill & Northbourne ward