A MAN “couldn’t believe his eyes” when a thief stole his expensive electric bike and rode straight past him at a Poole supermarket. 

Hamworthy resident Clive Block was shopping at the Asda superstore in Poole with his wife when his £2,000 electric bike, called the Boardman 8.9e, was stolen from the outside bike rack on Friday, September 30.

The 74-year-old said: “My wife drove to Asda and I met her there so went on my electric bike. I arrived there and locked the bike up at the bike rack.  

“As we were coming out of the store I stopped in the middle of the road and had to double take as what looked like my bike rode past. 

Bournemouth Echo: The bike racks where Clive's e-bike was stolenThe bike racks where Clive's e-bike was stolen (Image: Public)

“I ran after the bike but it was futile, really. As I was running after it my wife phoned up 999. A couple of police cars scoured the area but with no luck.” 

Clive added he and his wife, who visited the store in their car, drove around and had a look, too, but couldn’t find the culprit. 

“We went back into the shop and asked to look at the CCTV but found there was no camera near the bike rack and the other camera outside had hopeless resolution so was no use whatsoever.” 

Clive said his £2,000 electric Boardman bike, which is coloured grey and black, could be taken to a locksmith and is urging locksmiths in the area to keep an eye out. 

A Dorset Police spokeswoman said: "It is reported that at around 10.50am on Friday 30 September 2022 an electric bike was stolen from outside Asda in West Quay Road, Poole. Enquiries are ongoing into the report. No arrests have been made."

A spokesperson for Asda said: “The CCTV that covers this area around the store was viewed by authorities but unfortunately didn’t show the theft in great enough detail to be of assistance to them. We will continue to work with the police in their investigations to try and recover this bike.”