TWO BRITISH Red Cross volunteers from Bournemouth have been supporting people who are queuing up to pay their respects to Her Majesty the Queen in Westminster Hall.

British Red Cross volunteers are providing emotional and practical support to people at the queue in London from 6am until midnight, every day until Sunday.

Lyn Moreland, 61, and Barrie Hampson, 73, are in the Dorset emergency response team and have been helping out by Westminster Bridge.

Lyn has been a volunteer for seven years, Barrie eight years. Barrie also works in community education and first aid training.

Lyn said: “It is a privilege to be here today, to feel like you are doing good and doing something useful. We have been walking up and down the queue chatting to the public, everyone has been very open and talkative.”

Barrie said: “It has been a really nice atmosphere, we have been answering people’s questions, making sure they are comfortable and safe. People have come from all over the country and the world.

“It is humbling to see how far people have come to pay their respects. It seems like some of the country’s old spirit is back, everyone has been so friendly and positive towards each other.”