THE second set of plans to build a block of flats on a Bournemouth car park has been called in by a ward councillor.

The application for the Southbourne Crossroads car park has attracted 635 comments, many of which are objections.

Ward councillor Eddie Coope has called the scheme in which means if it was not refused under delegated powers by officers it will have to go before the planning committee for a decision.

Residents raised concerns the application still appeared on the Planning Portal as a delegated decision to one planning officer and called on Cllr Coope to call-in the application. He responded saying that he had called the application in last month.

A previous application for flats by the same developer went to the planning committee in March and was refused.


Explaining why he called in the application, Cllr Coope said: “This should go before the committee due to the volume of objections.

“Back in March the previous application was refused by the committee and there is very little difference in this application.

“One only has to look at how well used this car park has been over the summer and with the new SOBO on the beach this car park is needed. We fought hard last time and supported the residents which I am doing again.

“It should go to committee so everyone can have their say again.”

The new Southbourne crossroads application is for the erection of four blocks with a total of 24 flats, bin and cycle stores and the creation of a of vehicular access and associated undercroft car parking.

Residents are concerned about the loss of parking spaces, loss of the community garden, green space and wildlife and over development of the local area.

A planning, design and access statement by David James Architects & Partners Ltd on behalf of the applicant Vivir Estates Ltd says: “The proposal has been conceived through a detailed understanding of the site and that it will neither harm neighbouring properties or the character of the area.

“The proposed buildings sit comfortably within the plot and are of a scale that are subservient to its surroundings. The designs are in keeping and respect the character of Southbourne Coast Road, as well as the wider context and character of the area.”