FOUR boys have been arrested in connection with an assault which left a couple and their dog requiring medical care.

Police are continuing to investigate the incident at Bourne Valley Park near to Evering Avenue on Sunday, September 4.

Providing an update to the Daily Echo, a Dorset Police spokeswoman said three boys from Poole, aged 12, 14 and 16, and a 16-year-old boy from Bournemouth were all arrested on suspicion of assault and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. 

The three boys from Poole were also arrested on suspicion of a violent disorder. 

The spokeswoman said they hadall been released under investigation while the investigation continues.

Bournemouth Echo: Injuries allegedly caused by the teensInjuries allegedly caused by the teens (Image: NQ)

Read more: Woman describes moment she was attacked by gang of youths

As reported, an eight-month-old puppy suffered injuries in the heathland when it walked near to a group of youths. 

Owner Amber Cole, 25, then went to confront them, when they allegedly “smacked her the head a few times” and “booted her in the chest”. 

Her partner Adam Stevenson, 33, then intervened before he was "jumped on" and "thrown to the floor". 

Bournemouth Echo: Injuries allegedly caused by the teensInjuries allegedly caused by the teens (Image: NQ)

Mr Stevenson was left with internal damage to his foot, a laceration above his left eye and a scarred back. 

He was taken away by an ambulance and has since required facial surgery. 

Ms Cole said her attackers boys “were so intent on causing as much damage as they could” and they “thought it was hilarious”.