MORE THAN a hundred people turned up to a meeting in Swanage following rumours toilets at Burlington Chine near the seafront were to close. 

The meeting, held on Wednesday, September 7 at All Saint’s Church in Redcliffe Road, was in response to concerns residents had about the possible closure of the public lavatories. 

But the mayor of Swanage said the council is not closing the toilets and that any suggestion that it would be is a “rumour”. 

Resident Phil Smith, present at the meeting, said the queue for the meeting was “overflowing outside the church” such was the interest in the toilets. 

Bournemouth Echo: Swanage this summerSwanage this summer (Image: NQ)

He said: “There was a universal feeling that we should do whatever we could to keep the toilets open. 

“The cliff where the pipe leads up is, of course, an unsteady part of the coast because it is soft ground. 

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“There is always a risk when doing these things that they will fail, so the town council has the tricky job of balancing the cost of the benefits but also the will of the public and people who don’t live as close to that part of town who don’t want higher council tax. 

“On the other hand, it would be a very silly local person who didn’t see the value of maintaining the economy of Swanage – a tourist economy with a fine standing. 

Bournemouth Echo: Cliffs at North Beach, Swanage where the pipes go upCliffs at North Beach, Swanage where the pipes go up (Image: NQ)

“The flavour of the meeting was friendly and the majority of people got the point that the council must balance all factors and that it isn't easy.” 

The cause for concern around the toilets was because it is used a lot during the peak season – one survey conducted by residents reveals 85 people (not including children) used the facilities in 45 minutes on August 8 this year. 

More than 1,200 also signed a petition to keep the toilets open. 

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Residents at the meeting were told work was required to fix a leaky sewerage pipe on the cliff damaged last year, and it would require £33,000 to reline the pipe and a further £7,500 for a new pump. 

Mayor of Swanage Tina Foster said: “The council has not said it is closing them, it is a rumour. The condition of the toilets will be discussed at a future council meeting.”