SEVERAL pubs across Dorset are cutting their costs for a day to highlight the impact VAT has on the industry.

Eight Wetherspoons across the conurbation are to cut the price of all food and drink by 7.5 per cent on Thursday, September 15 to highlight the benefit a permanent VAT reduction would have on pubs.

It will see customers get their food and drink cheaper for one day only to mark Tax Equality Day.

Manager at The Moon in the Square in Bournemouth, Terri Balloni, said: "It is unfair that supermarkets pay zero VAT on food, but pubs pay 20 per cent.

Read more: Fundraiser sees man visit 51 Dorset pubs in a single day

"Pubs have been under fantastic pressure for decades due to the tax disadvantages it has with supermarkets.

"It doesn't make sense for the hospitality industry to subsidise supermarkets.”

"We urge the Chancellor to create tax equality between pubs and supermarkets."

The Moon in the Square will join the following other pubs taking part in Tax Equality Day: The Mary Shelley, The Nightjar, The Parkstone and Heatherlands, The Man in the Wall, The Blackwater Stream, The Lord Wimborne and The Quay.