FROM time to time, we see many contributors to the letters page, and they will know who they are, writing about cycling, green issues, net zero and again recently the Navitus Bay windfarm project.

They seem very obsessive about these issues and one is given the impression that the end of the world is upon us.

However, they are not prepared to admit the fact that no matter what we do is of little significance – even if we achieved net zero tomorrow.

We cannot hide from the fact that what we do makes little or no difference to global emissions as for every coal power station we close, several more are commissioned in other countries, therefore negating what we do.

Yes, wind and solar contribute somewhat but that is about it, and it’s all it will ever do.

We will need fossil fuels for the foreseeable future.

So the question I would ask them is, why should we bankrupt ourselves when we have untold reserves of coal, shale gas, oil, and North Sea gas at our disposal?

Rather we should be using new technology to enable us to burn fossil fuels cleanly.

An example of the present march to net zero is that we import wood pellets from North America to use in some of our power stations rather than use a fossil fuel.

With the upcoming cost of living crisis caused mainly by high energy prices, we should use every method at our disposal to counteract this.


Harkwood Drive, Poole