TOWN and parish councils are considering their position on the introduction of a 20mph road speed limit overhaul.

Hampshire County Council has formed a task and finish group of eight councillors for a review of its policy for 20mph speed limits across the county.

The current policy restricts new 20mph zones and limits to address casualty reduction.

Among the largest towns to consider such changes is Ringwood, where the town council has already drafted up a list of preferred areas where such parameters could be beneficial.

Four councillors assigned to discuss the proposals in detail proposed the council support the introduction of 20mph speed limits in the following areas:

  • All roads surrounding local schools
  • All roads, which are not through routes, routinely used as cycling and walking routes to schools
  • All roads in residential areas with restricted pavements

There is currently only one 20mph zone in Ringwood, which is the Quomp. The council said the introduction of this restriction has been “very successful” in providing a safe route to local schools.

Bournemouth Echo: Aerial image of Ringwood. Picture: Jo Harvell/Bournemouth HelicoptersAerial image of Ringwood. Picture: Jo Harvell/Bournemouth Helicopters

A Ringwood Town Council spokesperson said: “Speeding is one of the most regular concerns raised with councillors by local residents and has led to the establishment of a Ringwood Speed Watch campaign, which was set up in September 2021 by volunteers.

“It is hoped that data collected over this time will be used to support local initiatives, such as the introduction of 20mph limits.”

They also recognised that some key routes should remain at 30mph for the free flow of traffic.

Fordingbridge Town Council and New Milton Town Council have too said they would address the proposals and encourage resident engagement.

The Hampshire County Council group's purpose is to consider evidence from various sources, along with data related to highway usage, enforcement, road safety, previous 20 mph speed limit implementation and environmental impacts.

In turn this will feed into consideration of the review findings and decisions on future policy.

Residents are too invited to have their say on the project as well as give feedback on existing 20mph limits within Hampshire.

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