HUNDREDS of residents have had their say over renewed plans to build a block of flats on Southbourne Crossroads car park.

Vivir Estates Ltd previously submitted plans to build the apartment block but they were rejected unanimously by the council, following a long campaign by residents.

The developer has now resubmitted an amended version of the plans, for the erection of four blocks of 24 flats with bin and cycle stores as well as vehicle access and undercroft car parking.

A total of 339 comments have been submitted via BCP Council’s online planning portal, many of which are objections from local residents.

READ MORE: Developers submit revised plans for Southbourne Crossroads car park

Residents are concerned about the loss of parking spaces, loss of the community garden, green space and wildlife and over development of the local area.

One resident said: “It seems to me that again BCP Council are only after the short term dollars and not the long term view.

“Nobody will come here if it is just one strip of flats across the coast line. The beauty of this area is the space and the breath and openness and the fact that it is not crammed with one flat after the other.

“Nobody wants these flats - we have objected over and over and over. Not the shape, not the size, not the rubbish bins on the pavement.

“You cannot get beauty back once you stick concrete over it. Please consider the long term implications, the climate crises, the value of space, the reduction of the pleasure of our guests. We object in the strongest terms to this development.”

READ MORE: Southbourne car park flats plan refused after huge backlash

The last application submitted for Southbourne Crossroads car park received 657 individual objections and local campaigners are hoping to receive the same support again.

One neighbouring resident said: “We are just a stones throw from the proposed development site and so we have good knowledge of the area and road users.

“Overall I cannot stress how much going ahead with the proposed development will be a real injustice to the local community, beach goers and wildlife as well as cause chaos on the roads of Southbourne.”

READ MORE: Anger over illegal parking in Southbourne during busy weekend

A planning, design and access statement by David James Architects & Partners Ltd on behalf of the applicant Vivir Estates Ltd says: “The proposal has been conceived through a detailed understanding of the site and that it will neither harm neighbouring properties or the character of the area.

“The proposed buildings sit comfortably within the plot and are of a scale that are subservient to its surroundings. The designs are in keeping and respect the character of Southbourne Coast Road, as well as the wider context and character of the area.”

To view the application visit:
Comments are open on the application until September 9.