DORSET Police’s No Excuses team pulled over numerous vehicles on Monday, including the driver of a Porsche who had his car seized. 

The Porsche 911 had been driving near Wimborne when the driver was pulled over. The driver had not been driving with insurance – they assumed they were on their partner’s insurance cover. The driver was reported. 

In what was a “busy day” for the officers, they stopped 30 vehicles; seven of which were seized, around 20 speeders dealt with and numerous other offences identified.   

Bournemouth Echo: Image by Dorset Police No ExcusesImage by Dorset Police No Excuses

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In Poole two drivers who were driving in a “flamboyant” style with “attention-grabbing noisy exhaust systems” were pulled over and were reported for the exhaust, and were also issued with a Section 59 notice for the loud volume. 

A second driver was also found to have a provisional driver's licence and was not displaying L plates whilst not being supervised by a competent driver. They were reported for driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence, and the vehicle was seized. 

Meanwhile on the A31 at The World’s End a long-term uninsured Ford Fusion was stopped as the car had no tax or insurance since May. 

Bournemouth Echo: Image by Dorset Police No ExcusesImage by Dorset Police No Excuses

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Also on the A31 near Ashley Heath a further two vehicles were found without insurance. The driver of the first one was taking his very young daughter to a theme park and the second was on his way to work. 

On the B3157 between Weymouth and Bridport, a 50mph stretch of road, one driver was clocked at 80mph. 

Elsewhere in Poole a motorcyclist was detained after being pulled over because officers failed to see a number plate. 

The rider had a provisional licence and admitted not having any insurance. The biker rider was reported for document offences and the bike was seized, where it cannot be returned as it is not road legal.   

A spokesperson for the No Excuses team said: “Please aim to be among the majority of Dorset's motorists who drive safely and within the law”