A BRAND new charity furniture warehouse will be opening its doors tomorrow, with a promise to be ‘affordable for all’.

The Alzheimer’s Dementia UK store, which is due to open tomorrow, will sell affordable furniture and bric-a-brac from a warehouse in Holton Heath Industrial Estate near Poole.

Speaking ahead of the opening, organiser Wayne Francis said: “We’re opening on Tuesday, and we’ve already had a great response from the public. People are itching to go in there, so we’re expecting a busy day.

“We’ll be selling 90 per cent furniture and 10 per cent bric-a-brac, clothes, etc.

“This is the first furniture store we’ve opened, so we think it will be quite popular. We are a charity so it’s all donated furniture, second hand but in still very good condition so with the current situation with things being expensive, we are very affordable because it’s all free to us, so the prices are affordable.

“In the future we are looking to expand with other premises and all donations will go back into the business. We have a grant system where we look after families suffering with Alzheimer’s and dementia.”

Alzheimer’s Dementia UK is a non profit charity which raises funds via donations and fundraising to help the local community with grants for loved ones and family members suffering with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

The team organises days out, holidays, hospital visits and care, home improvement and disability aids.

The charity has a drop off zone for donations of unwanted items to the warehouse. They also offer a free collection service for donated items and a delivery service of brought goods to the charity warehouse.

The store can be found at: Unit 6, Abbey Business Park, Blackhill Road, Holton Heath, BH16 6NN