TWO delivery drivers have been praised for assisting a member of the public after she had a bad fall along a busy road in Poole.

Rob Groizard and George Claridge were driving along Sandbanks Road when they saw the woman take a fall in their wingmirror.

Rob and George, who were contracted to online electricals retailer that day, immediately turned around, grabbed a first aid kit, and came to her assistance. 

Not wanting to leave a member of the public distressed and alone on the side of the road, Rob and George stayed with her and called a member of her family to explain what had happened. 

George said: “If it was my mum, I would expect someone to come over to assist her, so it was the least we could do. Our work is about more than just deliveries, it’s about offering the best customer service.” 

Lynne Wood, director of service delivery at AO Logistics, said: “We are so proud to have Rob and George as contracted drivers.

“This act of kindness epitomises exactly what we mean at AO when we say we want to make decisions that our mums would be proud of.

“The woman’s husband gave us a call later that day to thank them both personally and we were pleased to hear that she got home safe.”