LAST weekend I headed to the seaside for a much needed swim and relax – Bournemouth beach seemed perfect to spend the evening on.

But when I arrived, I soon saw the awful mess. Bin bags left pulled across the beach, stuffed with rubbish.

The seagulls had ripped the bags open and pulled out hundreds of cans, polystyrene plates, uneaten food and plastic bags across the beach.

I honestly felt sick. This beautiful beach, that so many people should be able to enjoy, left an enormous mess.

I took photos of it and did my best to clear up and bin some of the rubbish.

I just wish people would be more aware and be more considerate of the environment.

There was one seagull who was trying his best to swallow a ball of tin foil. Just awful.

I had to bring this information to you in hope that people will stop abusing the environment and that next time more people would try and help to fix it.


Headswell Avenue, Bournemouth