RESIDENTS in Bournemouth have placed their objections to plans which involve adding a new storey to a block of flats. 

Plans have been submitted to BCP Council by Gates Investments for the addition of eight flats at Guildford Court in Surrey Road, Bournemouth, by adding a new storey per building. 

The plan is to add a fifth and sixth floor to ‘Block A’ and ‘Block B’, respectively with eight flats between the two blocks. 

Bournemouth Echo: Guildford Court in Surrey RoadGuildford Court in Surrey Road

But residents are not happy with the proposals, and have even started a petition to stop the proposal. 

Neal Hancock, who started the petition, said: “It is poorly thought through for the residents, has had no consultation, technical or feasibility studies. 

“The build itself would be hugely disruptive, costly to the residents and increase further the congestion to surrounding roads, as current car parking for existing residents would be inaccessible during construction.” 

One resident who lives on the top floor of Guildford Court was concerned about a lack of privacy, adding the additional floor will “remove the sunlight” from his balcony and “give direct line of sight into my bathroom which is also unacceptable.” 

Bournemouth Echo: Guildford Court in Surrey RoadGuildford Court in Surrey Road

Another resident of Guidford Court said: “This would also result in the lift being out of commission, which would make life harder for those on the higher floors.  

“Surrey Road is often very busy already so the additional traffic caused by construction workers and equipment would also be disruptive to everyone in the area.” 

A number of objections were in relation to parking. As one pointed out, there are no spaces within the grounds of Guildford Court and new cars bought by potential new residents could force cars to “overspill” onto Surrey Road, Surrey Gardens and Surrey Road South. 

Read more: Flats plan for Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, approved

Read more: Motorists wrongfully issued parking fines in Bournemouth

The plans submitted by Gates Investments refer to the installation of a new cycle shed. 

We attempted to contact Gates Investments and Sarah Jane Lea (Building Design) Ltd (who completed the application on their behalf) but they were unavailable for a comment.  

Their planning application says: “The blocks, built in the early 1960s, are constructed in cavity masonry with a red brick face finish. All windows and doors have been replaced with double-glazed UPVC units. 

“Most flats have balconies, the guarding to which are made up partly of metal balusters and partly of a solid metal panel which has been coloured pale blue. 

“It is not possible to access any of the flats without climbing a small number of flats.”