SOME good news from BCP council – Cllr Broadhead telling us an outdoor lido pool is being considered for our towns.

Personally I could not be more pleased. An issue many of us have tried to promote for many years.

But then somewhat puzzling Cllr Broadhead telling us ‘It is no secret I have tried to promote a lido for our towns for some time’.

Read more: Could we see a lido in BCP area? Why the council aren't ruling it out entirely

I can only say its the first I’ve heard of your efforts Cllr. No trace anywhere in Bournemouth Echo or via Google of Cllr Broadhead or any Cllr speaking up for a Bournemouth lido.

On the other hand many of us spoke up in 2018 when the Imax was taken down to replace with a lido, which we should have had in the first place to replace Pier Approach baths.

My own appeal for a Olympic size lido to be a ‘flagship” for our towns. What now it seems Cllr Broadhead is saying calling for a lido to ‘add to our world class offer’. I very much hope council will now take this on.

On practical points, I don’t see as is being suggested by BCP a lido has to be heated.

Many lidos around UK are year round and are not heated.

Heating is a huge all too often prohibitively high cost all the more so with soaring energy costs. To keep costs down there is the option of a tidal sea pool.

There are many around the UK.

Pier Approach would seem the right location but there again with public access in mind why not make use of Poole lake area to put in a lido?

And all the better a 50 metre Olympic size pool. That then sets us up for world class competitions.

If we are going to do it then do it right for decades to come.

Funding from council, government, local business and crowd-funding. And, importantly, a year round lido, not just for the summer.

So do crack on BCP Council.

You have huge public support. We have hundreds of hotels, 5 star hotels, wealthy coastal areas, millions of visitors, we can surely afford a lido – at long last.


Jubilee Road, Parkstone