A WOMAN who stole a bank card at a Bournemouth nightclub and went on to commit fraud has been sentenced by the courts.

Lauren Danielle Jones pleaded guilty to charges of two counts of theft, two counts of fraud by false representation and failing to surrender to custody having been released on bail.

Poole Magistrates’ Court heard that Jones, aged 34, stole a person’s bank card in Cameo in Fir Vale Road, on New Year’s Day.

On the same day she tried to use the bank card at the Co-op and Tesco in Holdenhurst Road.

The defendant, whose address was given as St Paul’s Lane, Bournemouth, committed a further offence of theft on March 31 when she stole £60 belonging to a woman in Queen’s Road, Bournemouth.

Jones failed to surrender to custody at court on August 1 having been released on bail on June 30.

Magistrates issued a 12-month community order at a hearing on August 3, with a requirement to take part in up to 25 rehabilitation activity days.

She was also fined £50 for the bank card theft and ordered to pay £60 compensation.

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