BELEAGUERED on two fronts, I find myself in the position of responding to two critics in one epistle – Chris Napier, ‘Brexit benefits’, and Brigitte Barnes, ‘Trusting Truss’ (Letters, Daily Echo, August 3) Firstly, Mr Napier, who asserts that he has seen no benefits whatsoever from Brexit.

Really? The first and most obvious benefit is that we no longer have to put with the sight of the EU flag fluttering from our public buildings (apropos of which, given that the very idea of nation states is anathema to the EU, it has established, at enormous cost, embassies all over the world, and insist upon it’s own flag being flown and waved at every opportunity)

But, more seriously, having left the EU before the pandemic hit, we were able to lead the way with our vaccination programme because we did not have to wait for the go-ahead while the EU’s 27 member states bickered among themselves and procrastinated about what to do.

Likewise with our response to military aid for Ukraine following the Russian invasion.

Remember how while we were sending significant military help, the German response was to send 500 helmets.

It is Mr Napier et al who ‘need to get real and stop blaming Brexit for every set back’.

I’m only surprised that they haven’t blamed Brexit for the spread of Covid and the war in Ukraine.

And, no, Mrs/Ms/Mx Barnes, I didn’t ‘compare’ Liz Truss to the Queen and Maggie Thatcher, I merely pointed out that this country has always prospered under female leadership (excepting, of course, Mrs May) – and for that reason alone, given the appalling mess that every prime minister since Mrs Thatcher has made of things, I am prepared to give Liz Truss a chance.

And I make no apology for ‘changing my views’ on Boris Johnson - In fact, unlike many people, I am prepared to do so when presented with evidence that someone I backed is not, after all, worthy of my support.


Norwich Avenue West, Bournemouth