POLICE have installed cameras in a Dorset neighbourhood after receiving several reports of youths knocking on doors and running away. 

The game, played by children over many years, has been so bad in an area of Wareham that police are having to visit parents. 

Purbeck North Neighbourhood policing team have been receiving reports of youths playing the game, which police say has been “really affected residents” and is “unacceptable”. 

Cameras have been placed in the area which has been effective in identifying the youths who are causing this, and police say they will be visiting children’s parents. 

A spokesperson for Purbeck Police said: “We are working with our partner agencies in the Wareham area to reduce ASB. 

“We have worked closely with our ASB officers from Dorset council and Targeted Youth Workers and also Purbeck Youth Community Foundation.  

“With this joint approach we are already seeing a reduction.”