PLANS have been approved to rebuild a popular refreshment cabin on the seafront.

BCP Council have granted an application to replace the Coffee Cabin on Avon Beach following reports of it being “in a state of disrepair.”

It is hoped that the new build will be more aesthetically pleasing and marginally bigger, whilst achieving better pedestrian flows on the promenade.

Owned by Avon Beach Limited, the Coffee Cabin is one of three mains food and beverage providers on the promenade, joining the Noisy Lobster Restaurant and the takeaway fish and chips kiosk ‘All Things Fish’.

The proposal for the cabin was submitted by Avon Beach Limited at the beginning of June and outlined plans to replace the existing coffee hut structure with a new larger hut, comprising timber cladding and metal framed windows.

The new cabin would also be sited closer to the existing sea wall, and have two serving windows, in place of the single serving hatch of the current cabin.

Bournemouth Echo: 3D views of the proposed cabin. Photo: featured in the design, access and heritage statement produced by Williams Lester.3D views of the proposed cabin. Photo: featured in the design, access and heritage statement produced by Williams Lester.

Avon Beach Limited claim that these actions would increase the open width of the promenade, returning valuable space and achieving better pedestrian flows, something particularly beneficial during high season.

At the time of the application the director of Avon Beach Limited, Peter Hayward, said: “The current structure is in a state of disrepair.

Read more: Plans submitted to rebuild the Coffee Cabin in Mudeford

“The new, more aesthetically pleasing structure will provide better insulation and a more comfortable working environment for our staff. We envisage our new proposal to generate further job positions within our company.”

A planning officer’s report said: “The proposals support an existing small scale business providing jobs and bringing income into the area.

“The proposals provide a facility for visitors and local residents visiting the seafront and supports tourism and visitor spend in the area, a key element of the local economy.

“The economic and social factors relating to the proposals are therefore positive.”

The report also said that the scheme had “acceptable” impacts on the character of the commercialised part of the beachfront.

Avon Beach Limited have advised the work is expected to take place during the winter, although no dates have been confirmed.