Can you give three cockerels a forever home?

Ashley Heath Animal Centre is looking for people in Dorset to adopt the "very impressive" cockerels Arlo, Wyatt, and Martin.

The requirements are a chicken coop that’s 12ft x 6ft, or larger, and a flock of ‘similar-sized ladies’ for the gentlemen to roam with.

The appeal is part of the RSPCA's nationwide search to find homes for farm animals.

The RSPCA is urging people to adopt pigs, goats, and chickens because a dramatic rise in the number needing care means their limited facilities are being stretched.

Dr Marc Cooper, head of farm animals at the RSPCA, said: “We know that some people assume we just rehome cats and dogs but that is far from the case - we actually have lots of farm animals that are rescued by our inspectors."

There are 72 farm animals waiting patiently at RSPCA centres and a further 76 in partner facilities.

Although farm animals have different needs than other pets, Marc says that "they can make wonderful additions to your family. They are very intelligent, curious and can be very affectionate, and rehoming a farm animal can be very rewarding.”

If you can rehome Arlo, Wyatt and Martin then contact Ashley Heath Animal Centre at