YOUTHS have been seen climbing on the roof of the new café at Churchill Gardens in Boscombe.

Residents raised concerns about the safety of the children, who appeared to have accessed the roof using the shutters.

Posting about it on social media, residents reported seeing them on the building on multiple occasions.

One resident said: “Does anyone know who we’d contact about getting the shutters on the new café changed for flat shutters with no gaps? This is just so unsafe.”

Another said: “It's a shame the shutters are built like that, as it's so easy for them to do it.”

The cafe is expected to open today.

A BCP Spokesperson said: “We are aware of the issue with youths climbing onto the roof of the new building in Churchill Gardens.

“This has been reported to the relevant agency and as of today increased patrols will be taking place in the area.

“Furthermore, we have liaised with the Crime Prevention Officer who has provided a report with suggested courses of action.

“The building is being occupied as of today and the café will be operating from Saturday 2 July.

“We look forward to residents and the local community enjoying this invaluable asset for years to come.”