Police are appealing for help in the search for a missing man from Bournemouth.

Dean Brown, who is 29 years old, was reported missing just before 6pm on Thursday June 30. It is believed that he was in the Broadhurst Avenue area earlier that afternoon.

He is described as white with a tanned complexion, six feet one inch tall, of slim build and with short dark hair.

Read more: Missing man from Bournemouth is located, say police

Inspector Tracy Santoni, of Dorset Police, said: “It was reported that Dean is very upset and to ensure he is safe and well we need to find him as soon as possible.

“It is likely that he is driving a Ford Transit van with the registration D14 BRW.

“I am hopeful that somebody may have information about where Dean might have gone and can help us to located him.”

Anyone with information or knowledge as to Dean’s whereabouts is asked to contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk/contact, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, quoting incident number 30:483.