RESIDENTS have reacted to a “huge fight” at a hotel in Bournemouth at the weekend, in which a police officer was assaulted. 

Officers were called to Riviera Hotel in Burnaby Road, Alum Chine, at 8.44pm on Sunday, June 13, to a fight involving around 10 people. 

Three people were arrested after a police officer and woman were assaulted during the incident. 

One man who lives in the road said: “There was a big fight and broken glass all over the road.  

“Lots of people were staying at Riviera Hotel for a wedding and lots of people were kicking cars in the car park".

He added: “I looked out of the window when the police arrived and there was several policemen running down the road. 

“This is the first time anything like this happened around here. The hotel is very good.” 

Bournemouth Echo: Three people were arrested in connection to the incidentThree people were arrested in connection to the incident

Read more: Police called to fight outside Riviera Hotel in Bournemouth

Another resident added: “It was a big fight and a big punch up.  

“I could hear shouting, so I looked out of the window and they were throwing glasses all over the road.  

“I went out this morning and picked up the remaining glass that the police had missed when they were sweeping up. 

“One bloke was kicking cars and smashing wing mirrors. It was quite frightening.” 

A 19-year-old man from Weymouth was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker and criminal damage.  

As well as this, a 32-year-old woman from Portland was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker and a 28-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of affray, two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and possession of cannabis. 

A Dorset Police spokesperson said: “It is reported that a woman and a police officer were assaulted during the incident. Their injuries are not described as serious.” 

Posting on social media in relation to the incident, Bournemouth police officer PC Joel Brooks said: “I sympathise to anyone who saw it, or learnt some new words.  

“I’ve been back to the hotel to reassure staff and guests but all of the residents I saw obviously were not around.” 

The Riviera Hotel did not wish to comment.