A 12-year-old boy from Poole has been chosen to travel to South Korea for a world scout jamboree.

Oliver Lewis is one of the amazing young people selected for the 25th World Scout Jamboree which will take place from August 1 to August 12 2023, in South Korea. 

The World Scout Jamboree is a World Organisation of the Scout Movement event, it happens every four years, each time hosted by a different country.

Oliver now faces the challenge of raising £3750 to attend and cover the cost of travel.

Oliver said: "One of the key themes of World Scout Jamboree 2023 is sustainability. This has given me the idea of the "Great Dorset Bike Ride.

"I will cycle between the scout halls in Dorset covering approximately 80 miles - 18 scout halls - over two days.

Bournemouth Echo:

"I will also be towing my little sister's old bicycle trailer with the WSJ 2023 mascot “Chingu” inside.

"Scouts from each of the scout halls will join me on the shorter rides to the next scout hall. The best way I can describe this is the BBC children in need rickshaw challenge, but with a scout and a tiger.

"The bike ride will hopefully help me raise sponsorship money but also promote sustainable travel and encourage other young people during the summer holidays to get out in the Dorset UK countryside. 

Oliver has a fundraising page for his trip which can be found here.

"In addition to the Dorset ride, I'm also hoping that young people from all over the world will also be able to join in virtually.

"I'm hoping that over the weekend of August 13 and August 14 2022 we can cycle a combined total of 5,500 miles, the distance between the UK and Korea.

"The motto for the World Scout Jamboree 2023 is “Think Big Dream wild” and I need support from many people to make my WSJ dream a reality."