A PROPOSAL has been lodged to replace a popular seafront refreshment cabin said to be “in a state of disrepair”.

Plans have been submitted for the Coffee Cabin at Avon Beach which will see it replaced with a newer, insulated cabin.

The cabin, owned by Avon Beach Limited, has become a popular spot for beachgoers to enjoy hot and cold drinks.

It joins the Noisy Lobster Restaurant and the takeaway fish and chips kiosk ‘All Things Fish’ as the food and beverage providers on the Avon Beach promenade.

The application to BCP Council outlines the new cabin as being insulated and marginally bigger.

Peter Hayward, the director of Avon Beach Limited, said: “The current structure is in a state of disrepair.

“The new, more aesthetically pleasing structure will provide better insulation and a more comfortable working environment for our staff. We envisage our new proposal to generate further job positions within our company.”

The proposed development is 4.80m by 5.50m in size, in comparison to the existing cabin which sits at 3.84 by 3.84m. The size changes would see the removal of the associated raised decking, low walls and seating area that surround the existing cabin.

Bournemouth Echo:

The new cabin would also be sited closer to the existing sea wall, and have two serving windows, in place of the single serving hatch of the current cabin.

Avon Beach Limited, who submitted the application, claim that these actions would increase the open width of the promenade from 4.2m to 8m, returning valuable space and achieving better pedestrian flows.

They also suggest that a wider promenade could be particularly beneficial during high season, when queues regularly form for both the Coffee Cabin and All Things Fish.

In a design, access and heritage statement produced by Williams Lester, the proposed aesthetic is said to have been inspired by “the much-loved beach huts, their traditional form and limited traditional material pallet.”

Earlier this year, Avon Beach Limited secured planning permission to extend a stretch of beach huts along the promenade near the Coffee Cabin.

Read more: Bigger beach huts approved for Avon Beach

The beach hut proposals sparked mass objections from residents, however the plans were approved by BCP Council’s planning committee.

Residents have until July 1 to submit their comments on the Coffee Cabin application through the council’s planning portal.