A MICRO sculptor and painter from Bournemouth has created a new figurine to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

David A Lindon's microscopic horse and jockey sculpture is the world’s smallest.

David A Lindon said: “To help celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, I am delighted to announce the creation of the world's smallest Horse and Jockey.

“Set on a solid gold pin the horse measures an astonishing 0.4mm wide.

“It captures the moment of jumping over the last hedge before galloping to the finishing line.

“The Queen has had a life long passion for horses. She began riding horses when she was only three and in addition to riding, the Queen is a passionate horse breeder, conservationist, and racehorse owner.”

Six pieces of Mr Lindon’s work can be seen in the ‘Small is Beautiful’ Miniature Art Exhibition in South Kensington, London, including one of his micro masterpiece paintings from the second series entitled 1921 by Mondrian.

The exhibition includes work from 34 local and international artists, Mr A Lindon says he will continue to exhibit his work around the world.

The first series of his six micro artworks sold in excess of £90,000 and created a media storm.