AT LAST it is official, Bournemouth is not a city.

I recall some years ago, a London-based estate agents were selling premises in Old Christchurch Road and then referred to Bournemouth as being a city.

I thought, that is what happens when you don’t use a local firm.

There have been articles here in Echo, where certain people wrote Bournemouth was a city, and I believe I am right in thinking some Tory councillors also jumped on that band-wagon.

I feel sorry for Christchurch and Poole, for having been dragged into an over-ambitious Conservative-led administration.

I once worked for a Bournemouth firm of estate agents and knew the town like the back of my hand, and the outer areas.

Also with two friends I ran a busy mobile disco, and we covered Bournemouth plus further afield.

Prior to moving to Burley, my grandmother had a property in Ettrick Road, Branksome Park. And yet many of us locals, are dictated to by those, who moved into the area and got elected.


Burley, Ringwood