THURSDAY’S edition of the Echo says so much about our area.

Queues in Winton for food parcels, on your front page and page 5, while opposite, on page 4, not a single Dorset Tory MP voted to tax the billions of pounds of excess profits made by energy companies, and use the money raised to help cash strapped families manage to survive the cost of living crisis.

Good newspapers report the facts, and allow their readers to draw their own conclusions.

This Tory government looks after its pals, the rich and affluent, while cutting benefits to families in real need, and leaving it to charities to help those who are in desperate circumstances.

We should be ashamed that this is Britain now.

We are a wealthy country, and this area has no shortage of affluent residents, but we also have real deprivation too.

The inequalities are all too evident, and have widened under successive Tory governments, exacerbated by ‘austerity’, the rise in National Insurance, and tax cuts that mainly benefit the well to do.

The council should be making representations to central government for more help for those who cannot afford to buy food or heat their homes.

I doubt they will, since they are Tory too.

We need MPs and councillors who care. We need real change, and soon.

Thank you for your reporting.


Bath Road, Bournemouth