Campaigners for Bournemouth's city bid have expressed disappointment over the decision not to award the coveted title to the town.

Eight places won the honour as part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, including Stanley in the Falklands Islands and Douglas on the Crown Dependency of the Isle of Man.

Bangor in Northern Ireland was also awarded the title, along with Colchester, Doncaster and Milton Keynes in England, plus Dunfermline in Scotland and Wrexham in Wales.

Read more: Bournemouth loses out in bid for city status as part of Queen's Jubilee

Bournemouth's was among 39 towns across the UK and British Overseas Territories to apply to win city status as part of a competition being run in honour of the 2022 Platinum Jubilee.

Deputy leader councillor Phil Broadhead, portfolio holder for development, growth and regeneration, said: “The decision on whether or not to bid for city status was one that was delegated to the individual towns, with the Bournemouth Chartered Trustees voting to put their town forward for this honorary title.

"BCP Council’s job was to lodge the application on their behalf – and we’re understandably disappointed for them that they have not been awarded the honour this time.

"Each of the towns in our region have a tremendous amount of history, character and individuality to be celebrated, and the success of any of them benefits us all.

Read more: Letter: ‘Bournemouth city status bid is deeply concerning’

"We believe our region deserves more recognition as a modern and thriving coastal centre - with three universities, an outstanding natural environment, growing inward investment and a football team now back in the Premier League.

"We know that the BCP region will continue to shine, whether one of our towns has an honorary title or not.

"Furthermore, we know that we are going to have a great summer, with hundreds of thousands of people visiting our golden beaches and thriving towns, starting with the Jubilee weekend when we are hosting over 300 street parties.”

Earlier this year, it was revealed the town's bid for city status included photographs of Christchurch and Poole.

Details on the town's application came to light following a resident's Freedom of Information request.