A CONSERVATIVE Bournemouth councillor has confirmed he will continue to represent his Bournemouth ward after failing to win an election in Manchester.

Councillor Norman Decent, who represents Kinson ward on BCP Council, moved to south Manchester after he “found love again” with his ex-wife.

He told the Daily Echo last month that he would resign from his BCP Council elected position if he was elected as a councillor for Brooklands ward on Manchester City Council when residents went to the polls on May 5.

However, if he was not successful he said he would continue on BCP Council until next year’s local elections for the conurbation.

Councillor Decent was not elected in Manchester, finishing second behind Labour Party candidate Susan Cooley.

Speaking to the Daily Echo after the election results, he said: “I will continue until the elections in 2023.

“If anyone in the Bournemouth ward gets in contact with me I will fulfil my obligation to support them as much as I can.”

Councillor Decent’s most recent BCP Council meeting attendance was as a substitute for the overview and scrutiny board on February 28.

Prior to that he last attended full council on September 14, 2021.