HEALTH leaders in the south west are ramping up their appeals for clinically vulnerable people to take up the Covid-19 spring booster vaccine offering.

In March this year, the NHS continued to roll out the Covid vaccination programme by offering spring boosters to the over 75s, residents in care homes and those aged 12 and over who are severely immunosuppressed.

In order to protect those most vulnerable, health leaders in the region are asking families to remind their loved ones who are over 75 to get the vaccine.

Dr Julie Yates of NHS Improvement South West said: “Reminding our loved ones, family and friends who are over 75 to stay protected from the serious effects of Covid-19, could help save lives and prevent people from being hospitalised.

“Even if you have tested positive for the virus, it is important you use this opportunity to top up your immunity. Having the full number of recommended doses of the vaccine still provides your best protection.”

Those aged 12 and over with weakened immune systems were also urged to take the booster. Dr Michael Marsh, regional medical director for NHS Improvement South West, added: “Those eligible should have their top up dose around six months after their first booster dose for maximum effectiveness. Appointments can be booked proactively before they reach the six-month point.

“Covid-19 vaccinations are proven to be our best defence against serious illness, so please book your appointment as soon as you can.”

The JCVI recommended that those eligible receive their spring booster six months after their first booster dose.

Over 12s eligible include people with:

  • A blood cancer
  • A weakened immune system due to a treatment
  • An organ or bone marrow transplant
  • A condition that means you have a very high risk of getting infections
  • A condition or treatment your specialist advises makes you eligible for a third dose

South west vaccinations teams have administered more than 13.1m Covid vaccinations since the programme began in December 2020.

To book an appointment visit the National Booking System website or call 119.