A POLICE detective has praised the “immense bravery” of a victim after the man who raped her was jailed.

Connor Curtis repeatedly ignored the woman telling him “no” when he carried out the sexual assault.

Curtis, 24 and of Christchurch Road, Bournemouth was jailed for eight years by a judge at Bournemouth Crown Court on April 20.

He had previously pleaded guilty to two counts of rape and one count of sexual assault.

In a statement after Curtis was jailed, Detective Constable Joanne Thomas, of Dorset Police, said: “I would like to praise the victim for the immense bravery she has shown in standing up to Connor Curtis and reporting what happened to police.

“The victim showed a lot of courage while the investigation was carried out and the court process was ongoing.

"I hope this case will again demonstrate that Dorset Police takes these offences extremely seriously.

"We will always listen to and support anyone who reports matters to us and offenders will be held accountable for the crimes they commit.”

Bournemouth Echo: Connor CurtisConnor Curtis

As reported, Curtis denied his offending when interviewed by police. He told the officers the sex was consensual.

The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges at a crown court hearing in October last year, but changed his pleas to guilty earlier this year.

Prosecutor Gemma White told the court the victim had suffered nightmares and flashbacks since Curtis had raped her.

Alongside the prison sentence, of which Curtis will serve at least two-thirds behind bars before being released on licence, the offender was placed on the sex offenders register for the rest of his life.

Bournemouth Echo: The sentencing hearing took place at Bournemouth Crown CourtThe sentencing hearing took place at Bournemouth Crown Court

DC Thomas said: “If you have been a victim of rape or sexual assault, and you want to report directly to the police please call 101 and ask to be put in contact with a specially-trained police officer. Always dial 999 in an emergency. Alternatively, you can contact The Shores Sexual Assault Referral Centre on 0800 970 9954.

For more information about The Shores, visit the organisation’s website at the-shores.org.uk

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