A SMALL contingent of the Great Orme goats have been relocated to Bournemouth, while another group has been transported from Craig-y-Don to elsewhere in Llandudno.

This follows a number of constituents in Wales raising concerns regarding the continued presence of the goats within Llandudno and Craig-y-Don.

Conwy County Borough Council (CCBC) was involved in collecting a group of the goats from private grounds in Craig-y-Don and moving them to Great Orme, while another 15 have moved to Bournemouth.

This has taken the number of goats in the area to approximately 150.

Read more: The goats of Bournemouth: How have the cliff's residents been grazing?

A council statement said: “Working with partners who have an interest in the Great Orme goats’ welfare, we recently collected a group of billy goats from private grounds in Craig-y-Don and transported them to the Great Orme.

“Since 2001, the welfare group has been managing the size of the herd using contraception and occasionally relocating groups of goats to conservation organisations and sites in the UK.

“15 goats have now been rehomed to Bournemouth – the animals travelled well and are settling into their new surroundings.

“They have joined a herd of other goats which are grazing coastal cliffs for nature conservation, controlling invasive shrubs for the benefit of native wildflowers.”

Read more: Two baby goats born after unexpected pregnancy on East Cliff

The goats on the Great Orme were originally a gift to Lord Mostyn from Queen Victoria and have roamed in a wild state for roughly 100 years.

Fears for their safety were raised last year after a “baby boom” of the goats, with a total of 25 nannies and five billies relocated to either Bristol or Bournemouth.

A round-up was also considered by CCBC last October after one of the goats had to be put down after being hit by a car.

Having previously written to CCBC regarding the disruption caused to residents of Craig-y-Don by Great Orme goats, the Aberconwy MS, Janet Finch-Saunders, welcomed these efforts to relocate a group of goats back to the Orme.

She said: “The Great Orme goats are a much-loved and valued asset to our town and community.

“However, we must recognise that their continued presence in urban areas of Llandudno raise serious concerns, especially with regards to road safety and damage to residential property.

“Having raised this matter with the Local Authority previously I am delighted to see that positive action has been taken to rehome these fantastic animals to the Great Orme once again.

“Additionally, I am aware that 15 goats have been transported to a nature conservation area in Bournemouth where they will graze on coastal cliffs.

“This action has brought the current population to 150 goats on the Great Orme, and it is hoped that this reduced size will further limit the numbers venturing into the town.

“These magnificent animals are a part of our community’s history, but it is vital that we find a balance that ensures their continued presence on the Great Orme whilst limiting their impact on residents of Llandudno.

“As such, I would thank CCBC for heeding my advice and taking this much appreciated action to address residents concerns.”