DESIGNS have been revealed for the full refurbishment of a Bournemouth seafront restaurant after a large fire caused severe damage to the popular venue.

Hot Rocks at Pier Approach has been closed since the blaze in October last year.

The restaurant, which has welcomed thousands of visitors every year since opening in 1997, is in the middle of a major rebuild project works.

Bournemouth-based interior design company KTM has carried out work for the venue to guide the project.

John Green, Hot Rocks owner, said: “We’ve been eagerly anticipating our re-opening for months and decided it was the perfect opportunity to bring our space back to life with fresh and exciting ideas.

“We pride ourselves on our unique menus, style and ambience and were keen to allow the team at KTM Design to further evolve our theme, of which their new designs reflect and surpass.”

Bournemouth Echo:

Work is currently ongoing at Hot Rocks and at present there is no set reopening date.

Katie Thomas, founder of KTM Design, said: “Hot Rocks is known for its diverse menu selection and incredible location, so we knew we needed to give its interiors a really vibrant refresh to do it justice.

“As well as giving the ground floor a makeover, we’ve redesigned the whole of the first floor, including a striking new vaulted ceiling main feature which will be made up of timber slatted and floral panels.”

Ms Thomas, who founded the business with England footballer Tyrone Mings, added: “Our design has been inspired by South American influences, focusing on a bright colour palette and exotic patterns to give the space a real ‘wow’ factor.

“The furniture will feature dark wood for a complementary finish, with vibrant colours and motifs splashed across furnishings.

"We’ve chosen a real hybrid of materials throughout, with a mix of rough, natural textures and soft velvets, and adorned the space with tropical plants for a truly exotic feel throughout.”

Mr Green added: “We can’t wait to show off our new look to our customers and give them a unique dining and drinking experience they won’t forget.

“Thank you to KTM Design for supporting our mission to reinvigorate Bournemouth’s restaurant and bar scene once again.”