UPDATE: Helena Pacey has been found safe on Thursday evening.

Police are appealing for help in finding a missing woman from Bournemouth.

Helena Pacey, aged 44, was last seen at around 8.30am on Wednesday in Sunnyhill Road.

It is believed she left in a black Ford Ka with the registration number WU12 YWY.

Helena is described as white and of medium build with short dark hair. She wears glasses and was last seen wearing grey tracksuit bottoms.

Inspector Craig Tiernan, of Dorset Police, said: “We understand Helena has been upset recently and we are becoming increasingly concerned for her welfare.

“I am appealing to anyone who has seen Helena, or a woman matching the description given, to please contact Dorset Police.

“I am keen to hear from anyone who may have seen a vehicle matching the description given. Our enquiries indicate the vehicle may have travelled to the Warrington area.

“I would also like to appeal directly to Helena if you see this – please make contact with us and let us know where you are as we just want to make sure you are OK.”

Anyone with information or knowledge as to Helena’s whereabouts is asked to contact Dorset Police via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101.