‘THEY are putting wildlife and lives at risk’.

That’s the message from police after youths reportedly tried to start fires on Canford Heath in Poole.

Officers carried out high visibility patrols the heathland on Wednesday, April 13, following the incident.

A spokesperson for Poole Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “This is very dangerous, especially at this time of year and puts wildlife and lives at risk.”

Police have also received reports of motorbikes being ridden on the heath and people have been warned they could have their bikes seized if they are caught.

The spokesperson added: “We also receive quite a few reports of motorbikes being ridden on the heath, this again puts the wildlife and users of the heath at risk. If caught you risk fines or having your bike seized.”

People are being urged not to start fires and campfires or have barbecues on the heath.

Motorbikes, quad bikes, littering and fly tipping are also not allowed.

Dog owners are also urged to keep their pets on leads and away from livestock.