BOURNEMOUTH Civic Society has objected to plans for a former hotel site in Bournemouth to be used for a five to six storey block of 31 flats.

In an objection to the council, the society say the empty site, which separates Terrace Road from Upper Terrace Road, is likely to be too large when compared to Georgian-style terraced buildings nearby.

The society say the council’s Urban Design Officer, Sophie Leon, shares the view suggesting that the general scale of the new structure should be proportionally smaller than the large Hilton site on the opposite side of Upper Terrace Road.

In a report to BCP Council, the society said: “A considerable improvement in the general design of the new structure is called for in this sensitive site. The society therefore hopes that adequate illustrations will soon be available and a proper judgement can be made and in the meanwhile we endorse the Urban Design Officer’s views.”

The triangular site had been used for parking but is currently boarded up.

A planning application for the site, adjoining 1 Upper Terrace Road, had been lodged with BCP planners by Vivir Properties Ltd.

Papers with the submission say 26 of the flats would be two-bed, 5 one-bed with the project offering spaces for cycle parking and bins on the lower ground floor.

The triangular-shaped site was occupied by the Terrace Gardens Hotel more than 20 years ago.

A planning brief for the building says that there would be a green / living wall surrounding the building at lower levels along the northern, southern and eastern boundaries with soft landscape proposed to the east and southern sides of the building.

“The area of Bournemouth where the site is located has undergone significant development and alteration over recent years, and the proposed redevelopment of this site will continue this regeneration to make optimum use of vacant brownfield land in this sustainable town centre location close to shops, services and facilities and good public transport links", it said.