MORE than 450 people have signed a petition demanding a replacement for a popular play park slide after it was removed on safety grounds.

Angry parents have called the delay in replacing a removed climbing frame slide facility at Seafield Gardens Play Park in Southbourne as “madness” due to the park’s popularity with children after school.

BCP Council say the slide was fenced off on March 16 and the removal began the next day having reached the “end of its life”. The space has remained empty since.

However, mother and local business owner Kim Phillips believes the council delay is down to a lack of willingness to reinvest in a non-profit facility like a play park.

Bournemouth Echo: Removed equipment at Seafield Gardens Play Park in Southbourne. Picture: BCP CouncilRemoved equipment at Seafield Gardens Play Park in Southbourne. Picture: BCP Council

She told the Echo: “They took the slide away for repairs which is understandable but they’ve now just left this empty space cordoned off. It seems they don’t wish to spend money on our parks and would rather build on them – it’s no wonder more kids are getting into trouble.

“Kids haven’t got a million places to go in Southbourne and the park is always busy after school so it just seems crazy, why would they not want to replace it as soon as possible?”

Spurred on by conversations with fellow parents, Kim started a petition urging the council to install new equipment ahead of summer. It was signed by more than 250 people in its first 24 hours and has since been signed by almost 500.

“I’d never started a petition before but thought I would give it a shot,” the hairdresser said. “If it carries on way the way it is, it’s going to be really good because it shows everyone round here is thinking the same.”

Bournemouth Echo: Removed equipment at Seafield Gardens Play Park in SouthbourneRemoved equipment at Seafield Gardens Play Park in Southbourne

Councillor Nicola Greene, portfolio holder for priorities and delivery, said: “Since this park’s creation in the 1950s, Seafield Gardens Play Area has been enjoyed by generations. It was of course disappointing when our parks team had to make the difficult decision to remove this multi-play structure.

“We will soon be embarking on a conurbation-wide Play Strategy, which will consider all the parks we manage. However, it is a great shame that children will not have the opportunity to use that particular piece of equipment as the weather improves, but safety must come first.

“The passion and high regard that local people have for Seafield Gardens is great to see, so I would like to continue to reassure residents that we are working through options and will look to bring forward proposals as soon as possible.”

Visit to view the petition.