A DORSET man has told how the help of two local organisations and his love for his cat, helped him escape addiction and homelessness.

Kevin Trim and his cat Tinkerbell were homeless and slept rough in a tent for two years, now they are celebrating their first anniversary in their own home.

Kevin, 57, said: “In 2016, I lost my rented flat due to a personal break-up. At the time I was drinking heavily and found himself with nowhere to go, no job and not many prospects for the future. All I had was my kitten Tinkerbell.

Read more: BCP Council pioneers new government strategy tackling homelessness

“I stayed with a friend for a couple of weeks and then I felt I had no choice but to go on the streets. So, I went and bought a £15 tent for myself and Tinkerbell. I didn’t know it then, but we would end up living in a tent for the next two years.”

Kevin took Tinkerbell everywhere with him in her carry case and was always scared that she would run off but she never left him.

Bournemouth Echo: Kevin Trim and his cat, TinkerbellKevin Trim and his cat, Tinkerbell

He said: “They were desperate times. But I was determined to stop drinking though and gradually went from two bottles of whiskey a day, to four cans, then eventually two cans. When I weaned myself down to one can, I knew I could finally stop and I’m proud to say I have been sober now for five years.”

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Kevin and Tinkerbell moved their tent close to the train tracks in Westbourne, where they were found by the homeless charity St Mungo’s Outreach Team and were taken to BCHA’s 10 St Paul’s hostel in Bournemouth.

BCHA support worker Hannah Brightman said: “Kevin was at 10 St Pauls for just over two years and we all fell in love with Tinkerbell and how devoted they were to each other.

Bournemouth Echo:

“Our Tenancy Sustainment Team could see they were ready to branch out on their own and we helped them move into a one bedroom general needs BCHA property and source some basic furniture.

“We all feel very proud of how Kevin has overcome his addiction and has created a warm and cosy home for him and Tinkerbell.”

Kevin said: “Tinkerbell has been central to my recovery and survival, if I hadn’t had her and the staff at BCHA hadn’t helped me, I know I would be dead and that is no exaggeration, I’m so grateful.”