A WOMAN who assaulted two police officers and two members of hospital staff has been jailed for several months.

Rachel Marie Tubbs was alleged to have committed four offences of assaulting an emergency worker by beating them at Poole Hospital on March 19.

She was also accused of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress.

Appearing in the dock at Poole Magistrates’ Court on March 21, Tubbs, aged 48 and of Kingland Road, Poole, pleaded guilty to all charges.

Magistrates handed her consecutive terms of imprisonment totalling 16 weeks.

The offences were deemed serious because of the defendant’s previous convictions for similar crimes and that the assaults were committed while under the influence of alcohol in a hospital setting.

Tubbs was ordered to pay a total of £300 compensation to her victims.

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