A CAMPAIGNER is collaborating with the British Red Cross to provide free first aid classes for young people in Dorset.

Following recent incidents including Christian Eriksen’s collapse at the Euros, Jamie Dunn has requested that the council incorporate first aid training into school curriculums.

Jamie, 38, is an advocate for change in the community.

He said: “I took to social media, mainly my Twitter page, to keep campaigning on this important matter.

“Something as vital and important as these sort of life skills, it’s strange that they’re not included in everyday school life.

After a few months of social media campaigning, Zach Griffiths, member of The Fabian Society, expressed his interest.

Zach, who provides the service on behalf of the British Red Cross, said: “We have been absolutely inundated ever since the push has gone out, there seems to be a real demand from local schools for first aid training.

“People need the skill and the will to act, and that’s what the course provides.”

If any teachers, youth workers, or community group owners are interested in getting a free course, they can contact Zach on Twitter @Zach4Labour.