A MAN who caused more than £1,000 worth of damage to a council-owned bus has been ordered to pay compensation.

Gary Justin Harris, 37, was alleged to have damaged a bus windscreen to the value of £1,173.32 belonging to Dorset Council at Ferndown Day Centre in Library Road, Ferndown, on September 6, 2021.

As reported, police launched an investigation after a brick was said to have been thrown though the glass door of a bus that was parked outside the Barrington Centre.

Appearing in the dock at Poole Magistrates’ Court on Friday, March 11, the defendant pleaded guilty to a single charge of criminal damage.

Harris, whose address was given as Medway Road, Ferndown, was discharged conditionally for 12 months.

He was ordered to pay £1,173.32 compensation, £22 surcharge and £85 costs.

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