RESIDENTS from across the BCP conurbation are being invited to an exhibition to reflect on how the three town centres might look in future.

The event is the culmination of an eight month project and features copies of a book containing feedback and thoughts from hundreds of people in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

Consultants Feria Urbanism were engaged to find out the opinions of residents about their town centres and how they would like them to be.

The exhibition on the first floor of Bobby’s in Bournemouth runs from March 18 to March 27.

The book is called 'Future Stories, Tales from the BCP Future Lab.'

Jennie Savage of Feria Urbanism which undertook the project on behalf of the BCP Council-led R3 group said: "Since June, we have been collecting voices and opinions on what people think of the town centres and what they hope to experience in the future.

"The book contains those voices and opinions, some project principles for town centres and ideas about to put the aspirations into practice."

She added: "Obviously we have lived through unprecedented times with Covid, but of course town centres have been suffering for quite a long time and we took the view that the project had to come from local people."

The principles include fostering a sense of independence in each town centre, promoting ecology to make the best of open spaces, towns and gardens, social prosperity to encourage safe spaces and 'playable' town centres - making them places where events happen and connections are made.

Richard Eastham of Feria added: "We also have a focus on creating spaces where cultural activities can take place which will help to create footfall.

"Instead of what we would have once called the anchor store, it's now about creating the anchor experience."

The exhibition is open Monday to Friday 11am-6pm and Saturday 11am-4.30pm.

The R3 (respond, recover, reimagine) Group was set up in summer 2020 to address some of the challenges businesses, employees and jobseekers were facing in the height of the pandemic.

But it has continued work to address on the ongoing issues facing BCP's town centres and high streets.

Over 20 external organisations together with councillors and officers form the group.

Cllr Phil Broadhead, BCP's cabinet member for development, growth and regeneration said: “This is a brilliant piece of work looking at what the future of our high streets in the BCP region can and should look like. Although funded by the council, this work has been done by those in the industry themselves, having spoken to hundreds of residents and businesses.

"Our high streets are changing and evolving rapidly - and plans are already underway for how we react to this change and shape the future. Businesses themselves crafting this new vision is certainly the way forward."