A DORSET resident will take on a challenge in support of a close friend diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.

Ian Pitkin will be marching every road, street, drive and close in Merley where his close friend Paul spent his younger years and where his family still lives, a total distance of approximately 25 to 30 miles, which he will complete over a day or weekend on March 26.

Ian’s friend Paul was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease 10 months ago, in his mid-forties.

Ian said: “Paul is my friend of 30 plus years, he is in his mid-forties, married to Natasha with two wonderful children Holly, 13 and James is nine.

“In the 10 months since his diagnosis, Paul has remained incredibly positive and with the support of his friends and family, the community All Paul Together (allpaultogether.com) has been created to act as the vehicle to help raise funds and awareness.

“I can’t imagine what it must have been like to tell family and friends as well as allowing yourself time to adjust to the news that your life and plans have been shattered."

MND is a Neuro Degenerative Disease which means the central nervous system is unable to send signals to the motor neurones, which are critical to be able to move limbs and control movement.

Ian said: “For 50 per cent of sufferers, life expectancy from diagnosis is less than three years and the disease will gradually impact Paul’s ability to use his limbs, to be able to speak and in time potentially his ability to breathe unaided.

“We hope to increase awareness as best as we can and to raise as much money as possible to support Paul and his family, and for the charities and the valuable research they are doing to aid others going through the same.”

Anyone who would like to join Ian on his walk is welcome. To donate visit his GoFundMe page - www.gofundme.com/f/marching-merley-for-mnd

Ian is also urging people to read about MND and the impact this life shortening disease has on sufferers and their families. For further information visit www.mndassociation.org.