UNIVERSITY Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust said emergency departments and ambulance services are 'extremely busy'.

Those who are unsure where to go for help are being asked to call 111 before visiting the emergency rooms.

Alyson O’Donnell, UHD's chief medical officer, said: “There are significant pressures on emergency departments across the county, as well as the ambulance service.

"We are seeing an increase both in walk in attendances and ambulances and while many Covid restrictions may have eased for the general public, here in our hospitals we still need to maintain separate areas for potentially Covid positive patients to keep people safe.”

The hospitals are also seeing a bigger proportion of very ill patients than two years ago who are spending more time in the emergency departments before being stable to move into hospital beds.

Ms O'Donnell said: “Our staff are working incredibly hard under pressurised circumstances and continue to prioritise our most poorly patients first. We all need to access NHS services wisely and would appeal to the public to call NHS 111 first so they get the most appropriate care for their needs.

“Additional patients in the emergency department inevitably puts more pressure on the whole hospital.

"By ringing 111 you will be advised of the most appropriate treatment or given a timed arrival slot at a minor injuries unit, urgent treatment centre or the local emergency department.

"We are also asking those who need to attend the hospital to be patient with our staff as they do their best to help quickly and efficiently.”