EFFORTS are being made to find a solution over land next to a railway station which has been labelled 'tent city'.

Residents say the section of land just outside Nile Court along Sterte Road by Poole Railway station has been in a poor state “for the past 30 years”.

A photograph recently uploaded to social media of the space renewed questions over what was being done to clear the site and help those who sleep rough there.

One person said: “It is well known amongst the homeless as ‘Tent City’.

"These people are someone’s sons and daughters – help get them support.”

The land is owned by Network Rail who told the Daily Echo they would be working with local authorities to improve the situation.

A spokesperson said: “Fly-tipping on the railway is illegal, dangerous and costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds each year. We work with British Transport Police to identify those responsible and will prosecute wherever possible.

“We are aware of the situation on our land near to Poole train station and working closely with the local authorities and the police to find a solution, including installing new fencing to stop trespass.”

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BCP Council said the land has been highlighted as a potential site for development.

Councillor Hazel Allen, lead member for homelessness, said: “We are aware that at times this area, known as the Goods Yard site, is used by people who are rough sleeping, although numbers are generally low at any one time for Poole as a whole, including here.

“St Mungo’s outreach team include this area when conducting their outreach, and will engage with and support anyone using the site. This work includes responding to specific reports of people sleeping outside as well as checking as standard locations that are regularly used for this purpose.

“The outreach team also liaises with local services including charities to ensure support is as broad and well informed as possible.”

The issues and options consultation for the BCP Local Plan lists the site as having potential for development. For more details on the consultation, which closes on Friday, March 25, visit haveyoursay.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/localplan.