TODAY we are putting the spotlight on five of of your furry friends for our weekly pets feature.

Give a warm welcome to Margo the pointer cross spaniel, Ziggy the cat, Zimmerman the mini-lop rabbit, Minnie the dog and Wally the cat, who is pictured having a nap.

Margo is a pointer cross spaniel who came over from Cyprus. Her owners love that she is a very cuddly dog and she likes to steal their socks.

A distinguished gentleman, Zimmerman is a six-month-old mini lop who loves nothing more than chilling out in the bathroom, doing binkies on his hutch, cuddling for kale and chomping on a carrot or two.

Ziggy the cat is described by her owners as a 'bundle of fun'.

Naomi Nicholson introduced to her dog Minnie: "Minnie the Minx found herself in a bit of a pickle with the wind whipping up a storm and ruining her hair doo whilst out walking at Whitecliff with me."

Last but not least, we introduce Janet's cat Wally, who is a happy indoor cat, he 'lives like a lord and is very loved' at 8 years old.

Send us photos of your pets via email and see them appear in print and online.