A POOLE resident has been crowned the regional winner in the UK’s Neighbour of the Year Awards.

Susan Woffindale is being celebrated for raising money to fund a play area for children in her local area, as well as arranging several craft events and organising an outdoor Christmas tree for the local community to enjoy.

Susan continues to upkeep the children’s’ play area by collecting litter to ensure it is safe and tidy for the local community to enjoy. She also raises money from collecting and recycling aluminium cans, with funds being redirected towards planting daffodils in the local community green areas. She continues to provide support to her neighbours whenever they are in need, comforting the bereaved, making time for the homeless; asking how she can help, as well as offering hot drinks and food where possible.

Susan also collected and donated food for a convoy that headed to Syria - the convoy included essential food aid to help feed Syrian refugees who had been forced to flee their homes and have unfortunately been left with very little, if not, nothing. She also volunteers in the local ‘food for less’ shop in Poole.

The Co-op Insurance and Neighbourhood Watch Neighbour of the Year Awards, now in its fifth year, launched in 2018 to shine a light on the UK’s unsung heroes who are carrying out work in their communities to improve the lives of others. Winners are chosen in the categories of Neighbour, Young Neighbour and Community of the Year.